Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My International Friends

     Friendships are important in the life. It is hard to live without friendships. Friendship is treasure. Friends trust, respect and help each other. I think friendship is about respect and trust more than just a length of the relation. I think people more of what they are when they are with their friends. We can have friend in childhood, school, college, and work. I believe, school and childhood friendship are the most last relationships. My best friends are from either childhood or school. In childhood and school we tread each other from the heart; therefore it is the strongest relations. Friends affect people more than family or teachers. There is an Arabic wisdom that says “if you want to know a person, you must find out who his friends are”. I think we should make friend as much as we can, but we need to have a special friends. Special friend who we can tell them about anything we want. Special friends who we believe they will never turn around on us. Been in USA knowing an international friend is interesting. Knowing international friends is the best and cheapest way to learn about other cultures. I have a lot of international friends from several counters. I learned some of cultures and habits from their counters; even I learned new Arabic culture from my friend. My class mates are from different counters. They are from Chine, Columbia, Koura, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia. Some of my friend from Saudi Arabia I know them in U.S.A. I had some of international friends from Venezuela, Taiwan and chilly. I have a lot of South Amerce friends. They are from Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala and Spain; even a have some American friend from another state. Friendships are great and good to learn more about the life. I wish to know a lot of people from a lot of counters.          

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