Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My International Friends

     Friendships are important in the life. It is hard to live without friendships. Friendship is treasure. Friends trust, respect and help each other. I think friendship is about respect and trust more than just a length of the relation. I think people more of what they are when they are with their friends. We can have friend in childhood, school, college, and work. I believe, school and childhood friendship are the most last relationships. My best friends are from either childhood or school. In childhood and school we tread each other from the heart; therefore it is the strongest relations. Friends affect people more than family or teachers. There is an Arabic wisdom that says “if you want to know a person, you must find out who his friends are”. I think we should make friend as much as we can, but we need to have a special friends. Special friend who we can tell them about anything we want. Special friends who we believe they will never turn around on us. Been in USA knowing an international friend is interesting. Knowing international friends is the best and cheapest way to learn about other cultures. I have a lot of international friends from several counters. I learned some of cultures and habits from their counters; even I learned new Arabic culture from my friend. My class mates are from different counters. They are from Chine, Columbia, Koura, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia. Some of my friend from Saudi Arabia I know them in U.S.A. I had some of international friends from Venezuela, Taiwan and chilly. I have a lot of South Amerce friends. They are from Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Guatemala and Spain; even a have some American friend from another state. Friendships are great and good to learn more about the life. I wish to know a lot of people from a lot of counters.          

The popular soccer player in the world

There are many popular sports in the world the one of the most popular sport is soccer. Soccer is a sport play between two teams of 11 players with a spherical ball and spherical rolls. Each player in the world has spherical skills, abilities, and fitness. Also, each counter has one or two popular player in the world. The entire popular players meet together in the world cup. The famous tree soccer players in the world are Leo Messi, Eto’o, and Henry.
Leo Messi is the best player in the world in 2011, 2012. He began playing football at a young age and his skill and potential was soon realized by Barcelona, and they take cure about his growth hormone deficiency because he has problem with this growth hormone. He is from Argentine. He had born in 24 June 1987, so he is 22 years old. He moved with his family to Europe, and right now, he plays in Spain with Barcelona’s club, and he got ten million dollars to play with them. All the world they know who is Leo messi .
Samuel Eto’o is the second best player in the world in 2010,2011.He was the best player in 2009. He is from Cameron. He had born in 10 March 1981, so he is 34 years old. He went in 1996 to Europe to start to play with Real Madrid when he was 15 years old. After that, he started his professional career with Deportivo Leganes’s club in 1997-1998, but he just played with them 28 games. Then, he back to play with Real Madrid in 1998-1999, but he just played one game after they lent him to Espanola’s club. He stays with them just one month, and he didn’t play any game. Then, he back again to Real Madrid, but he didn’t stay a lot of time they lent him again to Barcelona Value of 24 million euros. In his first season with Barcelona, Eto'o scored 24 goals in La Liga, and four in the Champions League and won the championship, and he scored over 100 goals in five seasons with Barcelona. Right now, he plays with Manchester United , but he played with Deportivo Leganes, Barcelona, Arsenal, Real Madrid, and Real city. Also, he is the record holder in number of appearances by African player in La Liga. He is the most decorated African player of all time having won the African Player of the Year award a record four times in 2003, 2004, and 2010.
Thierry Daniel Henry is the third best player in the world in 2009, 2010. He is from French. He had born 17 August 1977, so he is 33 years old. He was born in Les Ulis, Essonne. He started played soccer when he was 6 years old at soccer’s school in the Paolis. After that, when he was 17 years old he played with Monaco’s club in 1993-1994. He got good Experience with them that enabled him to participate in the UEFA Cup. He got nickname for his sans. They say to him “French Deer”. Then, he Moved to play for juventus’ club, but they didn’t give to him time to approve his skills. After that, he moved to play with Arsenal’s club. He scored over 200 goals with them, and he got a lot of awards.He did very well with his country teem, and he won the  world cup in  1998 with his team  . He signed for the Serie A defending champions Juventus. He played with Barcelona, Arsenal, Real Madrid, and Real city, but right now, he plays with Arsenal. Also, He doesn’t play with his country because he is old.
The soccer is popular in the Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America. The good players are from Europe, South America, and Africa. The best player in the world is Leo messi. The younger player in the world ,but  After him come a lot of players but nobody don’t like him. Samuel Eto’o the second best player with amazing history. Thierry Daniel Henry the tired best player in the world with great achievements. Soccer is the very impotent right now.                             

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Bulldog Bash in Starkville

     My first experience was awesome. Home coming weekend was different from any other weekend in Starkville. They close Downtown Street, and they putted big stage in the street. I celebrated with my friends in there. We went to their two times. The first time was in the afternoon at 4 P.M. We saw a lot of people and a lot of company for example Regan bank and Monster energy. They gave a way gift it for the people for free. We got a lot of gift in there. After that, we back to the house, and we started to be ready to the night party. Then, we went there, and we met another friend. We hang out and had fun. This was the second time. Home coming was very nice experience, and I hope I’ll be in Starkville to attend.

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Favorite Meal

            My favorite meal is fajita. The fajita is from Mexico. The fajita ingredians are meat, onion, garlic, pepper, and spice. The fajita has three types of meat beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp. I always like to order fish with shrimp. The restaurant always serves the fajita dishes sizzling. It always comes with sauces, rice, peen, and bread. Since it always come sizzling, It has very strong smell. Every time I go to Mexican restaurant and order a fajita the smell always last on my t-shirt for couple of day. I like the flavor of green pepper and onion that come with meat. The mix of the vegetables and the juicy meat always look delicious. Fajita is my favorite dish.

My Favorite Meal

            My favorite meal is fajita. The fajita is from Mexico. The fajita ingredians are meat, onion, garlic, pepper, and spice. The fajita has three types of meat beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp. I always like to order fish with shrimp. The restaurant always serves the fajita dishes sizzling. It always comes with sauces, rice, peen, and bread. Since it always come sizzling, It has very strong smell. Every time I go to Mexican restaurant and order a fajita the smell always last on my t-shirt for couple of day. I like the flavor of green pepper and onion that come with meat. The mix of the vegetables and the juicy meat always look delicious. Fajita is my favorite dish.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Favorite Restaurant in Starkville

       My favorite restaurant in Starkville is Mexican restaurant. Which is in highway 12 versus Piggley Wiggley. It has good sever and decoration. What I like most to eat is Faheta. Faheta has many different types chicken, beef ,fish, and shrimp ,but my order two type together. The have good offer like $13 Faheta with coke and rice. Also, they have discount for MSU student. I eat every moth 2 time. I like to go with a group of my friend. There food always come fresh and hot. The server bring refill before customers finish their drink. I like this restaurant it will be only choice.