Monday, November 14, 2011

My Favorite Meal

            My favorite meal is fajita. The fajita is from Mexico. The fajita ingredians are meat, onion, garlic, pepper, and spice. The fajita has three types of meat beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp. I always like to order fish with shrimp. The restaurant always serves the fajita dishes sizzling. It always comes with sauces, rice, peen, and bread. Since it always come sizzling, It has very strong smell. Every time I go to Mexican restaurant and order a fajita the smell always last on my t-shirt for couple of day. I like the flavor of green pepper and onion that come with meat. The mix of the vegetables and the juicy meat always look delicious. Fajita is my favorite dish.

My Favorite Meal

            My favorite meal is fajita. The fajita is from Mexico. The fajita ingredians are meat, onion, garlic, pepper, and spice. The fajita has three types of meat beef, chicken, fish, and shrimp. I always like to order fish with shrimp. The restaurant always serves the fajita dishes sizzling. It always comes with sauces, rice, peen, and bread. Since it always come sizzling, It has very strong smell. Every time I go to Mexican restaurant and order a fajita the smell always last on my t-shirt for couple of day. I like the flavor of green pepper and onion that come with meat. The mix of the vegetables and the juicy meat always look delicious. Fajita is my favorite dish.